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School for Creative Startups Somerset House
Strand, London
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Terms and Conditions

School for Creative Startups (“S4CS”) Application: Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions govern all applications made for the 2012 Programme run by School for Creative Startups (“the Programme”).

1. Enrolment conditions: all students are required as a condition of enrolment to pay the Programme fee in full (see clause 7 for further specifications), and to abide by and to submit to all reasonable requirements and guidelines that may be imposed by S4CS from time to time. This information will be made readily available via the S4CS website and any other channels as deemed necessary by S4CS.

S4CS reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to these documents. Such amendments will take immediate effect and it is the responsibility of each student/applicant to check the website regularly for notification of these amendments.

2. Withdrawal or Variation of the Programme: S4CS will use all reasonable endeavors to deliver the Programme in accordance with the description set out. However S4CS reserve the right to amend the Programme at any time should this be considered necessary for the benefit of the Programme or due to circumstances beyond their control.

S4CS reserve the right to withdraw an offer of a place if circumstances beyond its control prevent it from offering the Programme, and to make variations to the contents or methods of delivery of the Programme if such action is reasonably considered necessary by S4CS. If there are not sufficient enrolments to make it viable, S4CS reserve the right to cancel the Programme.

3. Facilities and Services: S4CS will endeavor to ensure that any facilities, services and equipment provided for the purpose of the Programme are of a reasonable standard. Such facilities, services and equipment may, however, be provided by third parties and not by S4CS. Although S4CS will endeavor to ensure the facilities and equipment provided for the Programme, are delivered to a reasonable standard, it can accept no responsibility for the nature of, and reserves the right to withdraw or change, facilities, equipment or services.

4. Force Majeure: neither the applicant or S4CS shall be liable for any delay in performing or non-performance of any its obligations, other than an obligation to make a payment, if caused by circumstances beyond your or its reasonable control including, without limitation, any of the following: earthquake, flood, storm, act of God, or of public enemies, national emergency, invasion, insurrection, riots, industrial disputes, strikes, telecommunications failure, boycott, interruption of services rendered by any public utility, or interference from any local, national or supranational government agency or official. These limitations will not apply insofar as any liability may not be excluded under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.

5. Acts by Other Students & Third Parties: S4CS cannot be held responsible for any injury to a student, financial or other loss or damage resulting from such injury, or for damage to property, caused by any other student, or by any person who is not an employee or authorised agent of S4CS.

6. Financial or Other Loss: S4CS cannot accept responsibility for any financial or other loss suffered by a student as a consequence of any of the matters in respect of which liability is excluded within these terms and conditions.

7. Fee Payments & Refunds: S4CS reserves the right to routinely review and change fees without notice prior to the Programme commencing. Each applicant must pay the fee relating to the Programme in full in cleared funds within 10 working days of an offer being accepted OR at least 10 working days prior to the Programme commencing (whichever date falls earlier) and S4CS reserves the right to withdraw an offer should the applicant fail to comply with this obligation. S4CS is under no obligation to refund the Programme fee once any payment has been made.

Fee payments should be made to:
School for Startups
Insert Bank Transfer details and Somerset House address
[insert details]

8. Data Protection: should you apply for the Programme your data will be shared and discussed with those people working for or on behalf of School for Creative Startups who are involved in the application process. We will also disclose your personal details if we believe in good faith it is necessary for the prevention or detection of crime or that we are required to do so by law, by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or in connection with legal proceedings. In addition to any information held in the UK, some or all of your data will be held on databases using servers or other equipment based outside the European Economic Area.

Should you be accepted onto the Programme this data will be carried forward to your formal student record, which holds data in electronic and paper form on your personal details, academic, business and administrative history and on relevant financial transactions. This information will be used to administer your studies, including security and disciplinary purposes, and equal opportunities monitoring. Otherwise, your application details will be used to produce anonymous statistical data.
Once you register as a student here, we may be required to collect and provide information to certain external agencies. Once you have completed the Programme those parts of your student record that we need to retain (eg basic registration details, business information and your address) will be archived. [Basic information will also be passed to our Alumni Office to create an alumni database]. The remaining information will be destroyed. Throughout, your personal data will be held in accordance with current data protection legislation in force from time to time.

9. Consent: by submitting an application, you agree to the Terms & Conditions set out above.

10. Additional information: if you have any questions about the Terms & Conditions set out above including the storage and processing of you’re the date referred to in clause 8 please contact Medeia Cohen, Course Director.

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