Decorator's Notebook

Decorator’s Notebook

Handmade and one-of-a-kind home accessories make your home a unique reflection of who you are. Here, you can discover luxury homeware from around the world, all in one place. Decorator’s Notebook is where design, quality and ethics go hand in hand, so you never have to compromise your style or your conscience.

Each purchase you make brings talented artisans in the developing world closer to a financially stable future. We particularly support women, people with disabilities and ethnically marginalised groups. Your purchase helps to elevate their position in society and gives them the resources, skills and confidence to challenge discrimination and take on new roles in their households and communities.

Education changes everything. As well as helping parents earn a secure income to send their children to school, we support Unicef by donating one exercise book for every single person who subscribes to our newsletter. Click here to receive our subscriber offers and we’ll donate school materials to a child on your behalf.

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