53 Million Artists

Jo Hunter

What do you think an artist is?

We think an artist is someone who has great ideas and who shares them with other people.We think you can do that too. We can do that. Everyone can do that. We can all be everyday artists.It’s not about talent or having a special skill – it’s about doing something different and sharing this with others. 53 Million Artists is a place where everyone can have ideas and share them. By drawing, singing, dancing, writing, painting, thinking, walking, talking - on your own or with other people. Whatever you fancy doing, with whoever, however you fancy doing it.

So why would you do this?

Like taking exercise or eating healthily, being creative can make you feel good. By being an everyday artist you can bring your ideas to life and share your experiences with the world. And by doing this regularly, you might start to think about things differently and have more ideas.

And then who knows what you might do?!

53 Million Artists is founded by everyday artists Jo Hunter and David Micklem. Together and on their own they have recorded songs, written stories, made things and taken pictures. They are also working with Dr Nick Wilson from King’s College London who sings songs, paints pictures, and is researching how being one of the 53 Million Artists might change your life (and the world). They continue to have great fun doing this and would love you to join them.



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