
Lisa Westcott Wilkins

DigVentures is a social business at the forefront of culture, technology and entrepreneurship, committed to raising seed capital and increasing participation for sustainable archaeology and heritage projects worldwide.

Our innovative model works to connect heritage sector managers and archaeologists with a worldwide crowd of interested and actively engaged participants, creating a platform for the public to financially support interesting projects as well as to join in, learn new skills and contribute to internationally important research. As an Institute for Archaeologists Registered Organisation and the first-ever IfA Accredited Field School, our work and opportunities are quality-assured at the top of the industry standard.

Over the last two years we have raised over £65K in seed funding from a globally networked crowd of supporters – money that has gone on to leverage four times that amount for our project partners in match funding. Our motto – archaeology in your hands – is what joins the dots between our many different projects.



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