Craftivism Collective

Sarah P Corbett

What is craftivism anyway?
Very simply, craftivism is activism that uses craft! Betsy Greer coined the term in 2003, and she defines it as “a way of looking at life where voicing opinions through creativity makes your voice stronger, your compassion deeper and your quest for justice more infinite.” But it’s not a new concept.
How Craftivist Collective was born
Once upon a time, Sarah Corbett was a burned out activist and worryingly doubting the effectiveness of many traditional campaign methods. She was going on marches, signing petitions, joining demonstration, campaigning meetings but as a natural introvert she felt exhausted & didn’t feel that sheWhat we doCraftivist Collective exists to facilitate and encourage craftivism across the UK and around the world. Our manifesto is simple: “To expose the scandal of global poverty and human rights injustices through the power of craft and public art.”What we’ve done

As well as creating our products and services to engage people in craftivism, Craftivist Collective has worked on a number of high profile projects over the years, including: The Jigsaw Project: Between October 2012 and March 2013, hundreds of UK crafters stitched fabric jigsaw pieces with provocative messages in support of Save The Children’s Race Against Hunger campaign.

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