Check out what our Class of 2012 say about the S4CS programme

“A key difference between art college and S4CS is that at college, the coursework is academic and our results effect our grade, but the subject of S4CS is our own business and so successes have very real consequences.”

“I thought the caliber of teaching I encountered at School for Creative Startups was wonderful.Working with people at the top of their industry was an invaluable experience; it would be difficult to find such a range of experts
anywhere else.”

“Following a really well- received pitch to Mary Portas and her team at House of Fraser, I called the buyer, because I thought they’d gone cold, but when we spoke she said that they had no questions from me as my pricing and terms were covered unlike some designers—so thank you S4CS! If I wasn’t on the course I’d never have been able to do this.”

“The course has given me a much-welcomed educational structure and support, as well as an emotional shoulder to lean on which is hugely welcomed after a lonely struggle. I’m learning the tools to allow me to realise my creative ideas in a practical and realistic way with fellow creatives who have the same talents, obsessive ideas and business mental blocks as I do.”

“The most valuable thing I’ve learned is how to think about my work as a business. Whereas previously I was chiefly concerned with the nuts and bolts of filling orders, I am now able to structure the business in such a way that it can
accommodate growth and become a more viable enterprise.”

“We were lucky to receive expert advice from Doug Richard on our business plan and strategy, support and guidance from our mentor Tony Elliott as well as exposure to some amazing people and opportunities that money just cannot buy.”

“Awkward questions are never avoided, failures are acknowledged and successes are celebrated.”

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