CraftSeller - Behind the scenes Showcase interview with one of our students

Thanks for stopping by, Holly, start by telling us a bit about what you do.
I am an illustrator and designer, I create handcrafted illustrations, incorporating paper cuts and hand drawn elements to produce simple, quirky and iconic wall art, greeting cards and homeware. My illustrations feature my favourite things, so far London buildings, local maps, flowers and there are so many more ideas still to be done…

What did you get out of School for Creative Startups? What’s the thing you’ll take with you?
I have gained so much, the best thing has been learning from the experts. Each month we have covered a different area of business and then we get to put this into action!

Are you excited about the Showcase? What last minute prep are you doing?
Lots of framing my art prints - my hands hurt from it! But it is great to have the finished product ready to go up for the Showcase.

What is you favourite product?
The last piece of work that I make is always my favourite. But my best selling print is my Map of London. I think it’s going to go down really well at the Showcase.

What are you looking forward to the most about the Showcase? What do you want to get out of the it?
Getting feedback from key people in the industry will be invaluable. I’m hoping to meet lots of new stockist and business contacts for the future.

What is your top tip for getting your work noticed by the industry?
Having a clear identity or brand which runs thoughout your products is really important then the hard part is staying focused on this, don’t get distracted making ramdom products (which is tempting) as you can waste lots of time! Many creatives spend to much time making, while the business side is so important.

Why should we visit the Showcase?
You get the chance to perfect your business pitch in front of a expert panel and there are talks running thoughout the day which will be great! And you get to meet 100 entrepreneurs!

What will we find at your stand that will make us smile or say “wow”?
I’ll have my full range of prints for sale which you only get to see at these events! I’d love to meet you and see if you think my illustrations have the wow factor!

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