It’s time to think creatively about growth in the UK

WITH Britain said to be back in recession after four years of economic turmoil, it’s time we had a creative rethink.

A lot has been said about the need for an enterprise-led recovery – and you will find no greater champion of entrepreneurship than me. Small and young businesses are the backbone of our economy, the proven wealth creators who hold our nation’s fate in their hands.

But in our quest to forge a nation of enterprise, let’s not forget our creative heritage. Britain is a cultural powerhouse and its creative industries can hold the key to recovery.

Just look at the facts. London alone has over 30,000 live music performances a year, nearly twice as many bookshops as New York and more museums than Paris. Our creative businesses account for an estimated 5 per cent of all companies – and in 2009 these companies contributed 2.9 per cent of the UK’s Gross Value Added, employed 1.5m people and exported a remarkable 10.6 per cent of the UK’s services.

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