School for Creative Startups will teach you the skills you need to start, grow or improve your creative business.


To apply now for the London programme starting this October, please go here:


To register your interest in the Sheffield programme starting this Autumn, please go here:



School for Creative Startups helps creative people build viable startups by offering interactive, accessible courses that deliver all the necessary business know-how without the technical gibberish, pesky acronyms or theoretical rhetoric.

Our programmes are designed by creative entrepreneurs to teach and empower those with existing creative businesses, who simply wish to grow and improve, as well as, those who dream of turning their part-time hobbies, market-stall businesses or freelance work into a full-time way of life.

Having a family, a full time day job or a learning disability should not stop you from realising your business’s full potential. Don’t worry about what you currently don’t know or can’t do; we’re here to help with all that.

Running across 9 months, this part-time programme provides you with 13 full days of in depth live training and activities covering everything you need to know to get your startup going and growing.

The course includes:

How to Apply:

We only have room for 100 startups on the course and it’s competitive to secure a place. All you need to do to be considered is complete our online application form. We accept students on a rolling admission basis, meaning the sooner you apply, the sooner you could be accepted. Don’t let your lack of confidence eliminate you before you’ve even applied! We are looking for all kinds of businesses from across the creative sector at all different stages of development. We have no age, location, race or gender preference; just bring your ambition, dedication and creative super powers