Art Below Ltd

Our business idea

I am inspired by the challenge and adventure of going on a journey!

With Art Below I feel like I am on a journey, that started in the London Underground. On my way I have become involved with the three hundred year old tradition of billboard advertising. My mission is to open this space up to creative individuals giving them the opportunity to publicly showcase their work whilst at the same time enriching the everyday life of the traveling public.

I am inspired to take this further - to cross polinate creative culture - giving artists the ability to ‘pop up’ in cities world wide.

I am really interested in finding charitable ways to give London’s less privilaged kids a share in public space to showcase their talent. I believe this will give them confidence in their creativity, prestige and something they can feel proud about and better their chances of furthering their careers.

Artists and designers of all levels and disciplines are all united by the same ambition - To have their work seen by a wider audience. Art Below provides the ultimate solution by displaying their work in an environment where it will be seen by millions presenting artwork in the London Underground on space normally used for advertising
‘Turning Ad Space into Art Space’

As well as the London Underground, this can be done in metro / underground systems across the globe.!/artbelow