Knit tanK

Our business idea

We love a good challenge that exercises all our skills. We’re a little obsessed with quality, longevity and finding the ideal solution, even in fleeting moments. We were drawn together by our sense of humour, love of knitting, lifelong learning and hunting for treasures. With backgrounds in Knitted Textiles and Fine Art we are inspired by everything from yarn, colour and texture, techniques and tradition, to craft, fashion, contemporary art, people and an engaging story.

A Knit Consultancy providing creative services to fashion, the arts, theatre, design, advertising and education. Offering bespoke inspiration, research, design, prototyping, production and even training. We provide a strong technical foundation to help realise everything from the beautifully minimal to the most elaborate concept: a sort of prop shop/foundry for knit.

With such a rich textile heritage in the UK, we want to regenerate and promote a sustainable domestic industry as it stands on the brink. We think experimentation and quality can go hand in hand. We’re excited about fostering longevity; not just tapping in and out of the Next Big Thing. Our aspiration is to start a Centre for Innovation in Knit with a strong educational arm to equip future generations with the skills and support required to carry us all forward with UK knitting on the international stage.