The Three Corner Collective

Our business idea

Emerging artists, emerging designers, nostalgia, innovative social spaces, discovering new areas, interesting architecture & interiors, creating, making, wandering & exploring.

The Three Corner Collective will be an evolving social space that allows people time to think, converse and make, combining creative retail, cafe and installation concepts. The inspiration behind The Collective is to recreate the childlike nature of discovery and adventure with a space that features dens, hideaways and hidden rooms; a place for people to socialise, shop and explore.

The retail corner will feature unconventional visual merchandising to work in tune with the childlike adventure concept, with a particular focus on both vintage and contemporary furniture and homeware.

Creatives will be invited to design and make works for the installation space providing a contemplative opportunity where individuals and collaborators can realise ideas and commentate on the world.

The design and furniture in the integral cafe will intrigue and invite in a playful manner with inventive features to sit, drink and eat.

The Three Corner Collective is a cavern of discovery, wonder and inspiration.