This is Your Kingdom

Our business idea

Discovering and celebrating small unique and lovely British businesses.
Seeking out lovely stuff to see and do.
Eating nice cakes.

An Insider’s Guide to Lovely Local Things to See and Do in the UK, we encourage our readers to ‘Live and Love Local’ by celebrating everything from slow food to staycations and all the wonderful local people, places and produce in-between.

We do this by asking ‘in-the-know’ local folk to fly the flag for their county by divulging details of their favourite local place to ‘eat, drink, walk, think, potter, ponder, snuggle, shop or sleep.’ These ‘favourite things’ are published on the site and shared with our readers via regular county e-newsletters.

We are launching our small business directory in January ’12. This will form part of the site and feature each of the businesses we discover, complementing the editorial side of TiYK and providing a steady revenue stream to support and promote growth.

We hope this will offer a cost effective online platform for small business to secure a hassle free, on-brand online presence. Members will benefit from the various marketing and PR campaigns we run as well as being celebrated amongst our very passionate community of TiYKers!

Long term TiYK will become ‘the’ go-to insider’s guide for both local people and holiday makers/visitors looking for unique and lovely things to see and do in the UK. The TiYK brand will be synonymous with the campaign to support small unique quality British businesses and become a recognised authority in the fight to save independents and encourage local living.