Tracy Currer

Our business idea

.. creatively solving problems and finding the sweet spot between new business models, technology and driving sustainable design than meets people’s needs. I love that fuzzy feeling you get when you spot a new opportunity or when all the pieces of a problem fall into place. Inspiration comes to me in many places: watching people, walking the dog and I’m currently fascinated by biomimicry.

Ecomodo : Good Returns

Enabling people to share everyday goods, skills and spaces, is recognised as a pioneer in an emerging global market in collaborative consumption and provides the most complete, peer-to-peer, transactional, lending and borrowing service in the world. Alongside encouraging social engagement, Ecomodo helps to reduce our environmental impact and prevents waste by maximising the utility of the resources we already have.

Winner of the 2010 Green Award for the Best Use of Online Media, Ecomodo adopts a combination of gifting, micro-enterprise and fundraising to provide a unique motivation model. It instils trust between strangers through delivering a rich feature set including lending circles, reputation feedback, fuzzy logic privacy as well as a new insurance model for accidental loss/damage of borrowed objects.

With over 30 years collective experience in the design industry, Meriel (the other founder of Ecomodo) and myself, hold a strong belief that the power of design can find the common ground between the way the mass public want to live and the changes we all must make to create a more sustainable future. In the near future many sectors will strive to find new ways to dematerialise their organisations. Underpinned by our technology and utilising our design/innovation expertise, we can work with these organisations to prototype and realise new services and business models to make sharing resources a commonplace behaviour throughout all levels of our society.

But first, having only launched last year, we need to extend our reach and scale our organisation. Ecomodo will be self-sustaining once it reaches critical mass, and ultimately has the potential to deliver a substantial profit and a whole new market in shared resource.!/ecomodo