Emilio’s Muffins

Emilio Paiva de Brito

I have created a vegetable based muffin, gluten, wheat & dairy free, with minimal ingredients. No artificial preservatives, additives, colourings or flavourings. I hope to get involved in a Lincolnshire waste management project whereby ‘ugly’ or ‘reject’ vegetables from the supermarkets can be incorporated into my muffin production. We are constantly told in the media through celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to eat more vegetables, and eat with the seasons. I will include a seasonal muffin range and special occasions, i.e. pumpkin at Halloween, cranberries at Christmas. The muffins I have created encompass practically all of the current health concerns. I am working on a diabetic friendly version too. If successful, I plan to extend the range to include biscuits, bars, brownies, possibly even drinks.