Lotus Girl Travel

Holly Augarde

Lotus Girl Travel provides young women travellers with an online community where they can share advice, hints and tips on where to travel, beautiful hotspots, ‘must-see’s’ and packing ‘do’s and dont’s’. The ethos of this business is to build a sharing, caring community for the target audience and to help them feel like they are a part of a close-knit, trustworthy online society that will provide vital information from other travellers that other websites cannot share. Each member will have their own profile where they can document their route, post pictures, enter diary exerpts, share their aims and experiences, note their ‘defining moment’ and meet other travellers who may be taking the same route as themselves. The Lotus Flower is a very powerful symbol and is, I believe, synonymous with what travelling stands for as it represents new beginnings - it is also a striking and easily recognisable branding logo.
