May Templeton Lampshades

Madeleine May Templeton Wilson

May Templeton - Love a Lampshade! Is an online original Lampshade store and Bespoke Lampshade service that promotes: -Individuality in the home environment. -British Made Lampshades supporting the British Design scene. -Offers a bespoke service to answer the demand for personalized light shades. -Supports the idea that useful products can still be design features. We believe in: -Quality, uniquely designed products at reasonable prices. -Products that support British business, culture and economy. Our emphasis is currently focused on expanding our online store. Capital generated from this, may one day grow into: -A shop-cafe-performance space: like ‘Das Hotel’, Berlin or ’1000£Bend’, Melbourne. -A cafe/lampshade shop by day, a performance space by night. -You will always be surrounded by alternative design in an intimate theatrically lit setting: (with May Templeton lights!). -If you like, you can buy a Lampshade and take it home with you, creating an alternative space of your own.