Zuka Mountain

Paul Tomlinson

What? Zuka Mountain make amazing premium chocolate. I aim to launch with single origin, premium chocolate bars. The bars will come from the following places & will feature beautiful illustrations of an animal native to that country on the front of the wrapper & information about the animal on the back. In addition, I aim to donate 10% of the profits of each bar to a charity also native to that country. 1. Sao Thome - Sao Thome Shrew 2. Madagascar - Sliky Safaka Lemur 3. Ecuador - Coco Toucan 4. Costa Rica - Giant Ant Eater 5. Papua New Guinea - Tree Kangaroo How? By creating beautiful & excitingly packaged products, using some of the most amazing & varied premium chocolate in the world. Why? Because I want to take myself & my customers on a voyage of discovery.
