Carole Stone

Joined BBC as a secretary, went on to become Producer of Radio 4’s flagship current affairs programme Any Questions? Left BBC and became sole trader of company bringing together opinion formers to discuss issues of the day. In 2007 established opinion research company YouGovStone, a joint venture with the global market research company YouGov. Sold stake 2010, now Chairman. Broadcaster and author two books on Networking.

“Trying to get ideas off the ground in both the BBC and the private sector I have found that the way you treat people can be the deciding factor as to whether you succeed or fail. Good networking – making the most of the people you meet to your mutual advantage – is not an add-on in business but an essential: it must have a permanent place in your strategy.

I am pleased to be a part of the Titan for Industry programme of the School for Creative Startups to encourage creative entrepreneurs to communicate their ideas and ambitions to other people who can help make them become a reality.”

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