Chloe Lonsdale

After completing my Fashion Design degree at Central St Martin’s College of Art and Design and assisting Nicole Farhi in her design studio, I spotted a gap in the market for jeans with an understated, European aesthetic. Originally started by my godfather in the 1970’s, I relaunched MiH in 2006 as a denim lifestyle brand for the modern woman. Today, the business is growing fast with offices in London and New York, and over 500 stockists worldwide.

In 2012, my husband Johan and I launched Jean Machine, the brother brand to MiH. Named after my father’s iconic seventies denim stores, the brand offers great quality, well cut jeans and casual clothing for modern men

“I work in a industry that is changing constantly so connection with young entrepreneurs and creators is key.

One of the fastest way to evolved in an e-commerce environment is to acknowledge and react to mistakes fast. Having been an architect for most of my professional life, this is something that I particularly enjoy and they are valuable experiences that I can bring to the table.

Bringing together creativity and commerciality in a project is a delicate process and one which is not explored and taught well within the creative academic environment. It is an area that I am familiar with.”

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