Deborah Campbell

Deborah Campbell has worked in fashion for 18 years. Having previously ran a manufacturing business supplying retailers like River Island, Oasis and Miss Selfridge she then went on to consult for Topshop, Miss Selfridge and ASOS. She has a cross section of commercial business skills as well as creative design skills. Two years ago she set up Style Industries London a bespoke trend forecasting, design, sourcing and training business. She has a passion for sustainable fashion and is driving her business forward to incorporate sustainable values and hopes to change the fast fashion arena to one of a slow fashion approach.

She is a visiting lecturer at London College of Fashion where she teaches masterclasses in Trend Forecasting and in addition she has taught on the short course, Producing Your Own Fashion label for Artscom who are part of UAL.

“When I graduated university their was no such thing as School For Creative Startups, and I wish there had been! This school offers a unique opportunity for participants to learn from a vast network of creative people who have potentially the answers a creative start up needs to succeed. I love sharing my experiences in the hope that people can learn from the mistakes I have made and in addition see how I have navigated and adapted my skills to suit an ever changing market”.

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