Eleanor Ford

Eleanor began her career as an anthropologist and documentary filmmaker, before founding LikeCube Ltd in 2006. Based on her frustration at the lack of sources for personalised recommendations for travellers, Eleanor won support and initial finance from NESTA, as part of the ‘Creative Pioneer Programme’ and went on to build an award-winning team and cutting-edge technology. LikeCube provided innovative recommendation, personalisation and data intelligence solutions, primarily for the leisure industry, and their recommendations were described as “faultless”, “spooky” and “bang on the money”. As the originator of the LikeCube concept, Eleanor won Silver Award at the 2007 British Female Inventor and Innovator of the Year Awards, was a Finalist in the Blackberry Women & Technology Awards 2008 and was profiled in Wired Magazine. LikeCube was acquired by Time Out in July 2011. Now based at Time Out, as Innovation Associate, Eleanor regularly consults on innovation, entrepreneurship and networks.

“Through the Creative Pioneer Programme in 2006, I experienced first hand the impact of exceptional programmes designed specifically for creatives with powerful ideas but little knowledge of the world of business. This programme allowed me to turn a slightly ‘out there’ idea into a valuable proposition and a saleable business. The School for Creative Startups does this in a new, ambitious, high-calibre way for the next generation of highly talented creatives, understanding their ability to learn the new skills needed, exploit their ideas effectively in the market place, and ultimately make great things happen. Anything that I can do to help to deliver the School for Creative Startups ambition, is time well spent.”

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