Jasmine Birtles

I’ve been talking about money on the air since 1998, appearing on all sorts of programmes from The Alan Titchmarsh show to BBC News. I also write about money for a range of national newspapers and magazines, and I’ve published more than 38 books.

I launched my website www.moneymagpie.com in 2006, with the aim of providing jargon-free, accessible financial information. If you haven’t seen it please do take a look. My wonderful team provides our readers with lots of sharp journalistic content and useful advice.

Money can be confusing, whether you’re trying to plan for your retirement or just decode the government’s budget. It’s always been very important to me to help ordinary people to understand their money, discover the options open to them, and make sense of the economic climate they live in.

When I’m not dashing to broadcast studios, I manage Clever Video Production (www.clevervideoproduction.tv). We have some fantastically talented cameramen working with us, and it’s a pleasure to help our clients get their message just right.

“Creative people and creative industries need specific business help and I’m glad that Doug and his team have taken up the challenge.”

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