Joanna Pieters

Joanna Pieters has run a succession of multi-million pound publishing businesses, in both small and corporate companies.

Starting her career as a journalist, at 26 Joanna was made editor of an international classical music magazine, where she grew circulation to record levels. After becoming an MBA from Imperial College, London, she was recruited by the UK’s largest consumer magazine company, IPC Media, to run a series of high-profile print and online publishing groups. She later moved to the Press Association to develop its digital and B2B publishing portfolio and sit on the Business board.

She brings together a rare combination of a creative background, in-depth business experience, and a formidable track record in developing teams and individuals.

At the weekend, however, she’ll be found with a violin in hand, somewhere up a hill, on the playground slide with her young son.

“I’ve worked with so many fantastically creative and intelligent people who have been disadvantaged by the fact they’ve never learned to understand budgets, or put together a business plan. But so much business is simply common sense and a clear head, and when you put those things together with creativity, people can fly! S4CS is a wonderful resource for creative people who don’t yet see themselves as business people but know that business knowledge will give them power and the tools to succeed.”

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