Lucy Morris

Lucy lives and works mainly in London, opened the Andrew Robson Bridge club in 1997, now with a few thousand members and a growing enthusiasm for bridge is looking to grow the business with Andrew and the team.

As a trustee of CHK charities her philanthropic activities means she is involved in projects mainly in the UK and her interest in women’s issues takes her regularly to Africa, where she is involved in education and reproductive justice. In the UK she is a trustee of Homestart a large volunteering charity visiting over 35,000 families annually with children under 5, Nordoff Robbins which trains musicians in music therapy and administers to physically and mentally disabled children and adults and Amber a residential home for less fortunate adolescents.

“University is not for everybody and it is vital that kids are inspired in those vital years, where tonnes of energy often evaporates into thin air; ideas are often hard to channel into focussed projects - with good mentoring and like minded folk creativity is bound to flourish.”

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