Ossian Ward

Ossian Ward is Head of Content at Lisson Gallery and a writer on contemporary art. Until 2013, he was the chief art critic and Visual Arts Editor at Time Out London and has contributed to magazines such as Art in America, Art + Auction, World of Interiors, Esquire, The News Statesman and Wallpaper, as well as newspapers including the Evening Standard, The Guardian, the Observer, The Times and The Independent on Sunday. Formerly editor of ArtReview and the V&A Magazine, he has also worked at The Art Newspaper and edited a biennial publication, The Artists’ Yearbook, for Thames & Hudson from 2005-2010. His new book, titled Ways of Looking: How to Experience Contemporary Art is published by Laurence King.

“Each year thousands of graduates leave art school having trained in every conceivable field of creativity, yet very few are able to transfer their skills into a commercial or business environment.

Artists and designers are among the worst prepared in my experience, despite more colleges providing professional practice towards the end of the courses. Yet, the idea that they might be able to learn hands-on and firsthand from industry insiders or successful entrepreneurs through the School for Creative Startups is truly valuable and something I wholeheartedly support.”

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