Peter Czapp

Peter Czapp is co-founder of The Wow Company, a proactive accountancy practice that advises small creative businesses across the UK, helping them make more profit, pay less tax and have more fun! Some of Wow’s clients have achieved amazing things; changing their industries, winning awards and ultimately selling for millions. However, most of Wow’s clients are small creative businesses that just do ok. They tick along. So what is the difference between those that make it big, and those that don’t?

Peter is passionate about sharing insights into what Wow’s most successful creative businesses do differently, including sharing practical tips that you can apply in your own business right away. You’ll often find Peter at our events, so make sure you grab 5 minutes with him when he’s around – you’ll get some great advice.

“Running a successful creative business is not something that just happens. There’s a science behind it, shortcuts to take, common pitfalls to avoid and a formula for success. The challenge is that most creatives much prefer to be creative than follow formulas, which is where School for Creative Startups comes in.

These guys do an amazing job of channelling this creativity and turning it into a successful business. Not only do you get great advice from people who’ve been there, seen it & done it, you also get to hang out with other creative businesses, all at a similar stage to you, to share ideas and experiences to help you be more successful.”

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