Russ Oliver

Russ is in the business of connecting people, initiating valuable conversations, promoting creative collaboration and creating the conditions where innovation can flourish and ideas can be realised. He is a creative maverick and ideas junkie. He works best when engaging individuals, corporates and organisations to shape, challenge and mould ideas into clear value propositions that are then implemented. Over the last 20 years he has led youth movements, been part of a number of Public Sector ‘think tanks’, worked with global NGO’s and delivered projects, pilots and propositions in the Publishing, Mobile, Banking and Media sectors. His focused areas of interest are young people, innovation, media, entrepreneurship, financial and social transformation.

“I’m all about keeping life simple and saying it as it is. With four young children, I believe in investing into others and the communities in which we are part of. The School for Creative Starts Ups works to equip, educate and mobilise individuals to be the best they can be. They therefore incorporate much of what characterises me so I’m in!”


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