Sarah Greenwood

Sarah Greenwood is a Film Production Designer who started her her career after graduating from Wimbledon School of Art in Theatre design. She was awarded the prestigious Arts Council Bursary which ‘paid’ for her first years work in theatre. She then went on to design extensively in this Theatre for 3 yrs before deciding to move into television and film design at the BBC.

Sarah has been nominated for 3 Academy awards for Pride and Prejudice, Atonement and Sherlock Holmes, 2 BAFTA’s one of which she won for Atonement and was recently named as ‘Hollywood Production Designer of the Year’ . Working in the film business is a constantly challenging and rapidly changing medium, It has been described as crisis management from day one!
Film making encompasses knowledge as varied as the subjects the films are about. It is this that makes Production Design a never ending fascinating career.

“The School for Creative Startups helps people on the ‘cusp’ make that leap from imagination and dreams to reality. Transforming all the unfettered creative energy that was unleashed through the years at Art school into a more informed and pragmatic view of the ‘real’ world and how to then make that world work for them whilst not losing the joy of what we all do.”

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