Shane Redding

Since becoming one of the first women to graduate from Jesus College Cambridge, Shane has enjoyed a varied career in direct and digital marketing. Working for some of the largest leading plc’s, she has also founded, grown and sold a number of marketing services businesses, as well as helping other entrepreneurs realise their ambitions. Today Shane is an honorary fellow of the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing and enjoys sharing her passion for both new and old marketing techniques with businesses around the world.

“Doug’s vision to teach, coach and mentor creative businesses to enable them to become successful and profitable enterprises is one of the most exciting initiatives to help kick start UK growth today. Being involved in Creative School for Start Ups has introduced me to a range of really exciting new ideas and products, as well some of the most creative people I have ever met - linking this talent to some of the best business brains in the UK I am sure will result in some outstanding successes.”

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