Stephen Garrett

Stephen Garrett is a multi-award-winning producer of tv dramas (Spooks) and movies (Eastern Promises, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen). He co-founded Kudos and built it into one of the leading and most respected independent production companies in Britain. In 2006 he and his partner sold Kudos, so becoming part of Elisabeth Murdoch’s Shine Group. In 2010 , Garrett was the News International Visiting Professor of Broadcast Media at Oxford University and gave a series of lectures about creative businesses and story-telling. He remains Chairman of Kudos, and is Executive Chairman of Shine Pictures, the group’s movie-making division.

“I became an entrepreneur by accident. I had no idea what I was doing, not even that I was setting up a creative business. So, what I’ve learned, I’ve learned through a process of sometimes painful discovery. It would have been immensely helpful at the time to get advice from folk who did know what they were doing. I’m fascinated by the fusion of “business” and “creativity” and passionate about encouraging others to thrive with these two odd bed-fellows.”

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